Disruption to a stagnant industry...that’s what we are aiming for

GCS has been in the industry for more than a decade, but our founders have been in it even longer than that. You have to go all the way back to the late 1990s just after the 1996 Telecom Act in the U.S. That’s where Jay Meranchik (our CEO and Co-Founder) began building one of the world’s largest VoIP wholesale networks while at ITXC, which was acquired by Teleglobe, then by VSNL and finally by TATA. Today, Jay and his team of engineers are a little older, a little wiser, and a little grayer for the experience. But, their passion hasn’t diminished. In fact, by all comparisons, the teams’ passion is greater now than ever. Why is that?

Because now, at this moment in time, more than any other, Jay and the team believe we are at the beginning of the next cycle of innovation and disruption in the interconnect voice industry. As the industry has continued its march down the commoditization path, carriers are looking for innovation from their management platform vendors to help them automate intelligently, improve daily execution of the routine functions, and drive the overhead costs associated with interconnect voice to a level lower than previously thought possible.

The innovation we are delivering today is of a level previously thought to be a decade away. Because of the advent of big data, and GCS’ ability to leverage it, A.I. in interconnect voice is not just a dream, it is now a reality. Recently we rolled out our iRAS module which is like ixLink on steroids. No, actually, it’s like iXLink on steroids combined with the power of the “Force” from Star Wars. It is the most powerful, comprehensive, and complete rate ingestion, management, and intelligence tool available in the marketplace today!

With new User Interface tools, increased functionality, and rapid delivery of data to managers, engineers, and sales, the interconnect voice industry is at the beginning of the next phase of the industry’s evolution!

GCS is ready. Are you? If you are, give us a shout!


A new decade, the third one of this century. How do we make it better than the last one?


Why specialization matters